Thursday, February 19, 2009

Update: February 19, 2009

It is Thursday morning, and I have wanted to get on the blog and give an update but it is hard when there does not seem to be enough time in a day. I have not given up, and I am still very excited to accomplish the list before the 1001 days are up. 

The statement "you always have time for what you really want to do" is not true. I understand the gist behind it, and it is probably true for most people, but there are only so many hours in a day. I want to do seminary which I have to get up at 5:45 to be on time. Class starts at 7:30 and it is a 30-45 min. trip depending on the traffic. I listen to sermons in the car as I drive. I go straight to work, and get the things there completed that I need to accomplish. Then I get onto homework, which these days are taking me close to 6-8 hrs. to complete...Yeah. I want to play with my daughter and give her some time, but that usually get cut down drastically. I have to shaffer her around to the different sitters. On top of that I was taking sign language class which I had to drop (too much). When I do lunch, I read. I fill almost every free time with something that I am trying to accomplish. 

I do watch one hour of TV maybe 3 days a week. I could cut that out, but I need some unwind time. The other time that I am not doing all of the other things listed above, I am either cooking, cleaning, or fixing something. Two weekends ago it was winterizing my lawn equipment (2 months late). This past weekend I was repainting my bathroom because the trim paint was peeling. 

All of this to say...I think that statement does not apply to everyone. At least the person that has made a conscious effort to pack so many "important" things into the day. Well...onto life!

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